Tag: bespoke

Custom Journals For Entrepreneurs

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Customised Notebooks And Journals


Have you ever wanted a personalised notebook for yourself? Maybe one with graphics or boxes or writing sections that suited you? Perhaps you wanted one with detailed, zentangle-type colouring pages or with patterns or affirmations or possibly puzzles?

Maybe you want a custom journalĀ  or custom workbook that you could use with your clients? Maybe give them something to keep records of how they are progressing or something to keep them on track after finishing a session? Perhaps you are a team leader and want a team book that your teamies can all do at the same time and feel part of a large group, even if they cannot meet in person? This doesn’t have to be a business book. You may want something fun with colouring or puzzles or something that suits a particular area or region.

Grumble Journal

You may even want a journal that clients keep secret. Well, that is, at least from their nearest family or colleagues. Those are usually the ones who cause others stress, even if they don’t mean to. Your client can record the thoughts that are causing them stress in the journal, to keep as a record to discuss with you. Then they do not need to say their thoughts out loud to those causing them difficulty. You can even keep a grumble journal on a personal basis and destroy it – burn or shred when full – to write out your annoyance and get rid of it.



How To Create A Custom Workbook

You may have wondered how to create a workbook that fits with your particular consultancy or management training or whether there might be a suitable journal available online that you could direct them to. And then you’ve found you didn’t have the time or knowledge to create something suitable because you were too busy with consultancy or training? You may also have found that nothing already available on line suited your business or needs. Of course, it’s always possible to ask your clients to keep notes on their learning in a lined schoolbook or reporter’s spiral notebook but that doesn’t look very professional and it’s also unlikely to motivate your clients to keep up with the work or to progress their learning after finishing a series of sessions.

Here are a few of the workbooks and journals that www.coloringdiary.com has available on Amazon that can be used for teams or clients you may be working with. The ones below are shown on Amazon USA but all these books are also available on Amazon UK. They are also available on all the other Amazon country pages, though you may need to search by the actual title. Just for the avoidance of doubt, these books are all written in English, no matter which Amazon site you obtain them from! They could, however, be customised (see below).

It might seem that customer service is all one subject, but what if you work with clients who work with dogs or cats or other small animals? Your customer service training course will be totally different from training provided for volunteers working with the homeless or those with debt problems or auto engineers working with truck drivers. For instance, you might want a customer service workbook, if that is what you are working on with clients.

On the other hand, you may be training your clients in time management or decluttering or personal development, or how to set their own business strategy or aims and objectives or how to manage money? Each of these needs a different workbook or journal for clients to record their ideas, understanding and how they practise the tips and strategies you provide.


Of course, it’s always possible to help your clients customise their own journals and this may be perfectly feasible for some types of consultancy or training. You can help your clients build and bind their own journal with their own kinds of material with handmade designs and including prompts, magazine pictures, quotes and even poetry, recipes or stories that keep them on track. This is often a good practice for drawing, keeping poetry or keeping recipes, for instance, especially if these are printed off from online or cut from magazines. There are also many templates on line that can help with this. You can also find suitable blank notebooks in speciality stationery stores.

But what do you do if you need a customised workbook or journal that your clients can pick up and use immediately? One that contains the kinds of strategies, tips and hints that suit the training or consultancy you are providing? You have three options if you want to work with www.coloringdiary.com.

(A) You can describe a workbook or journal that would suit your consultancy or training course and have us design and create it. This could contain your own logo, text and contact details, plus of course the workbook items you want, whether affirmations, writing pages, calendar, weekly to do lists, puzzles and colouring pages, etc. Once you are satisfied, we will then provide a PDF that will be unique to you and your business. You can then send this PDF to a printer of your choice who will print and send you the number of books you choose. This is the more expensive of the two options, as you pay for the design and the printing up front. It is, however, the most suitable option for established consultancies and training organisations, who run a number of similar sessions or courses and know what they want for their clients.

(B) You can describe a workbook or journal that would suit your consultancy or training course and have us design and create a generic version that can be offered on a site such as Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk, etc. This would not contain your logo or contact details, as the book would be available for anyone to buy online. You would then direct your clients to buy this book online, in order to gain the best advantage from the consultancy or training they are undertaking. There is no upfront cost for you with this option. You get a book online that suits your type of consultancy or training and you recommend that your clients buy this, as part of their work in this area. There are areas with blank spaces in this type of book (such as on the back cover) where you can place a sticker to remind your clients of your name, address and logo. In this case, you might wish to buy a number of these books ahead of a course or consultancy assignment and place your sticker before passing them out to clients. With this option, either your clients purchase the book or you buy only the number of books you need with no minimum order or upfront art costs.

(C) Similar to option (B), you can have one of our current book offerings translated into a language of your choice. If we incur any costs in translating, these would be for your account, otherwise, you can help us translate the book at no upfront cost. We can also customize our books to offer US or UK spelling at no extra cost.
