Tag: independence skills

Back to School

Getting kids ready for back to school involves several important steps to ensure a smooth transition and successful start to the school year. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you with the process:

Supplies and Materials

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  • Make a list of school supplies required by the school and teachers. This may include notebooks, pencils, pens, erasers, rulers, folders, binders, backpacks, and any other items specified.
  • Check if there are any specific requirements for art supplies, calculators, or technology tools.
  • Involve your child in selecting their supplies to make them feel excited and prepared. They may enjoy getting some kind of back to school coloring or activity book that they can fill in themselves and that can also help them with learning skills.
  • Review school dress code or uniform policies and ensure your child has appropriate clothing.
  • Check if your child’s current clothing fits or if they need new uniforms, shoes, or clothes for the upcoming season.
  • If you already know that your child needs extra help in some areas, eg with Telling the time, (dinosaur) or Telling the time (mermaid) you may wish to get some practice workbooks for them.

Health and Medical

  • Schedule a back-to-school check-up with your child’s pediatrician, dentist, and eye doctor to ensure they are in good health.
  • Update any necessary vaccinations or medical forms required by the school.
  • Ensure your child has any necessary medications and that the school is aware of any medical conditions.

Organize a Study Space

Establish a Routine

  • Gradually adjust your child’s sleep schedule to align with school hours a few weeks before the start of school.
  • Create a daily routine that includes time for waking up, getting ready, meals, homework, extracurricular activities, and bedtime.

Communication and Planning

  • Review the school’s calendar and mark important dates such as the first day of school, parent-teacher conferences, and holidays.
  • Sign up for any necessary school communication platforms or apps to stay informed about school events and announcements.

Review School Policies and Procedures

  • Familiarize yourself and your child with the school’s policies, rules, and procedures, including drop-off and pick-up routines, attendance policies, and safety protocols.

Emotional Preparation

  • Talk to your child about their feelings and address any concerns they may have about going back to school.
  • Encourage positive thoughts and emphasize the exciting aspects of the new school year.

Meal Planning

  • Plan nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and snacks that your child can take to school.
  • If your child buys lunch at school, review the school menu and discuss healthy options with them.

Extracurricular Activities

  • Explore and enroll your child in any extracurricular activities or clubs that interest them.
  • Coordinate transportation and schedules for these activities.

Label Belongings

  • Label your child’s belongings, especially items like backpacks, lunchboxes, clothing, and school supplies, to prevent loss.

Get Involved

  • Attend any back-to-school events, orientations, or meet-the-teacher sessions offered by the school.
  • Consider volunteering or participating in parent-teacher associations to stay engaged with your child’s school community.

Going to School for the First Time

Starting a child in school for the first time is a significant milestone that requires careful planning and preparation to ensure a smooth and positive transition. Here are some steps to help you navigate this important process:

Visit the School. Before the school year starts, schedule a visit to the school with your child. Tour the campus, show them the classroom, playground, bathrooms, and any other relevant areas. Familiarizing them with the physical environment can help reduce anxiety.

Meet the Teacher. Arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher before the school year begins. This allows your child to become comfortable with the teacher and for you to discuss any concerns, preferences, or special considerations. You may also get a list of what your child will be expected to do before going to school, such as taking themselves to the toilet or being able to count accurately.

Social Readiness. Help your child develop social skills by arranging playdates or activities with other children their age. This can help them feel more at ease when interacting with classmates.

Establish a Routine. Start practicing a school routine a few weeks before school begins. This includes setting a consistent wake-up time, getting dressed, having meals at regular intervals, and practicing bedtime routines.

Independence Skills. Encourage your child to develop basic self-help skills, such as using the restroom independently, washing hands, and zipping up their backpack. These skills will boost their confidence in a school setting.

Emotional Preparation. Talk to your child about school in a positive and exciting way. Share stories about your own school experiences, read books about starting school, and discuss the fun activities they’ll get to do.

Supply Shopping. Take your child shopping for school supplies. Let them choose their backpack, lunchbox, water bottle, and any other items that can make them feel excited and involved.

Label Everything. Label your child’s belongings, including clothing, shoes, backpack, and lunchbox, with their name. This helps prevent items from getting lost or mixed up.

Practice Separation. If your child hasn’t been away from you for extended periods, gradually introduce short periods of separation. Start with leaving them with a trusted caregiver or family member to help them build confidence.

Healthy Habits. Focus on healthy eating, regular exercise, and proper sleep to ensure your child is physically prepared for the demands of school.

Communication. Encourage your child to express their feelings about starting school. Address any worries or concerns they may have and provide reassurance. Talk about “when” they are in school well before they go.

Drop-off Routine. Establish a predictable drop-off routine. Keep the goodbyes brief and positive. Assure your child that you’ll be back to pick them up and reinforce the idea that school is a safe and enjoyable place.

Stay Involved. Stay engaged with your child’s school activities and progress. Attend school events, parent-teacher meetings, and stay in touch with the teacher to monitor your child’s adjustment.

Celebrate Milestones. Celebrate small successes and milestones throughout the school year to keep your child motivated and excited about their educational journey.

Remember, every child is unique, and the transition from homeĀ  to school can vary. Be patient, offer plenty of support and encouragement, and celebrate the new experiences and friendships your child will gain through their school journey.

Helping a Child Change Schools

Transitioning a child to a new school can be a significant and sometimes challenging experience. Whether it’s due to a move, a change in educational needs, or other reasons, there are several steps you can take to help your child adjust and thrive in their new school environment:


  • Talk openly with your child about the reasons for the move or school change. Listen to their concerns and feelings, and validate their emotions.
  • Explain the positive aspects of the new school, such as new friends, exciting activities, and opportunities for growth.

Visit the New School

  • Arrange a visit to the new school before the official start date.
  • Tour the campus, meet teachers and staff, and explore the classrooms and facilities.
  • If possible, introduce your child to their new teacher and classmates before the first day of school. This can help ease anxiety.

Maintain Consistency

If there are routines or activities that your child enjoys, try to maintain them even after the move to provide a sense of familiarity and comfort.

Prepare Ahead

Gather any necessary documents or information required for enrollment at the new school. Ensure you have records of your child’s academic progress, medical history, and any special needs.

Get Involved

Encourage your child to participate in school activities, clubs, and events. This can help them make new friends and feel connected to the school community.

Stay Positive

  • Emphasize the exciting opportunities and new experiences that the new school can offer.
  • Share stories of other successful transitions and focus on the positive aspects of the change.

Address Concerns

  • Be open to your child’s worries or fears about the new school.
  • Address their concerns and brainstorm solutions together.
  • Encourage them to voice their opinions and preferences.

Connect with Teachers

  • Establish communication with your child’s new teacher.
  • Share information about your child’s interests, strengths, and any challenges they may face.
  • Collaborate with the teacher to ensure a smooth transition.

Friendship Support

  • Help your child connect with potential new friends.
  • Arrange playdates or attend school events where they can meet classmates outside of the classroom.

Maintain Contact

  • Help your child keep in touch with former classmates and friends from their previous school.
  • Video calls, letters, or occasional visits can help maintain those connections.

Encourage Resilience

Teach your child coping skills and resilience-building strategies. Help them understand that change is a part of life and that challenges can lead to personal growth.

Monitor Progress

Regularly check in with your child to gauge how they are adjusting to the new school. Discuss any challenges they may be facing and work together to find solutions.

Celebrate Achievements

  • Celebrate your child’s successes and milestones at the new school.
  • Acknowledge their efforts and accomplishments to boost their confidence and motivation.

Remember, the adjustment period may vary for each child. Be patient, provide a supportive environment, and offer reassurance that you’re there to help them through the transition. Over time, with your guidance and support, your child can develop a sense of belonging and thrive in their new school.